05.-13. JULY 2025
Tibetan Yoga is a profound system of breathing and movements used by Tantric Yogis to prepare and support the transformation of the ordinary body, speech and mind into the enlightened body, speech and mind of a Buddha. These practices work with the subtle body of prana, channels, chakras and vital essence to purify them and develop them to be able to become the vehicle of liberation. Although many Tibetan Yoga exercises called Trulkor are very advanced and difficult to perform safely and properly, there are principles that they all follow. We can learn these principles in a more gentle and systematic way to greatly enhance our current meditation practice and to prepare ourselves for more subtle yogic practices such as the Six Yogas of Naropa.
In general, all Vajrayana practices work with the subtle body whether we are aware of this or not. Knowing more about the subtle body and how to feel and manipulate prana opens up a new magical world and brings Vajrayana practices alive.
Through Giorgio Savigliano’s knowledge of Vajrayana practices of the Drikung Kagyu tradition together with a vast knowledge of many other Indian yogic traditions and modern western knowledge of the anatomy of breathing, Giorgio can give an understanding of the techniques used in Tibetan Yoga for westerners that is exceptional. We will learn the vase breathing step by step from the basics of healthy breathing to various breathing for relaxation and meditation and finally to learn in detail the principles to do proper vase breathing in a gentle and safe way. Vase breathing is the foundation of all Tibetan Yogic practices and is very intricate, subtle and difficult to learn in a tradition context. You will also learn traditional Trulkor sequences for purifying and opening the subtle body in a safe, systematic and gentle way. Drupon Rachel and Giorgio teach these profound techniques in a way that all practitioners beginners or advanced can benefit and take away something that is meaningful for them.
This course is credited in the Dharmadara Program / You find more Information on: www.dharmadhara.de
Friday, 04.07.25
until 17:00 Arrival
18:30 Dinner
Saturday, 05.07.24
08:30 Breakfast
10:00 Introduction
12:00 Lunch
15:30-18:30 Teachings and practice
18:30 Dinner
Sunday-Saturday, 06.-12.07.25
07:00-08:30 Yoga of the subtle body
08:30 Breakfast
10:00-12:00 Teachings and practice
12:30 Lunch
15:30-18:30 Teachings and practice
18:30 Dinner
20:00-20:30: Milarepa Guru Yoga
Sunday, 13.07.25
07:00-08:30 Yoga of the subtle body
08:30 Breakfast
10:00-12:30 Milarepa Tsog
12:30 Lunch
560,00 € regular I 475,00 € reduced
Registration deadline is 18.06.2025