November 01-16,2025
This is a very special annual retreat to deepen the yidam practice of Vajrayogini. Vajrayogini is one of the main yidam deities of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage and is especially important in the practices of the Six Yogas of Naropa.
PLEASE NOTE: New students to this retreat must have an interview with Drubpon Rachel before being accepted for the retreat and there is a preparatory of accumulating 10 000 long Vajrasattva mantras prior to the retreat or completing the online Ngondro course with Drubpon Rachel.
There will be the empowerment, instruction on the sadhana and teachings of special breathing techniques to incorporate into the sadhana. Giorgio will guide group daily yogic body practices and breath work with discussion. There will be group session of the sadhana and feast Tsog offerings each day together with Drubpon Rachel and Giorgio. The final day will be a very special opportunity to do a Fire Puja outdoors as a purification of the retreat and for the benefit of all beings.
Some of the sessions per day one will do alone in one's room to gain confidence in real solitary retreat practice. You will be taught all the ritual and necessary pieces day by day to be able do the practice on your own with confidence. Private interviews and support will be available throughout the retreat with translation. There is an option for students to continue with a solitary retreat with guidance online for another 2 weeks.
Saturday 01.11.25
until 17:00 Arrival
18:30 Dinner
Sunday, 02.11.25
08:00 Breakfast
09:30 Empowerment
12:30 Lunch
15:30 Empowerment
18:30 Dinner
Monday, 03.11.25
08:30 Breakfast
10:00 Teachings
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Breathing and/or relaxation with Q&A
16:00 Teachings
18:30 Dinner
19:30 Achi Practice and Smoke Offering
Tuesday-Friday, 04.11.-14.11.25
05:30 Body and Breath Awakening and group Sadhana
08:30 Breakfast
10:00 Solitary practice of Sadhana (times for private interviews as needed)
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Breathing and/or relaxation practice with Q&A
16:00 Teachings and Group practice with tsog
18:30 Dinner
19:30 Solitary Practice of Sadhana
Saturday, 15.11.25
Preparing Fire Puja
08:30 Breakfast
09:30 Fire Puja
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Fire Puja and Achi Smoke Offering
Help with Cleanup
18:30 Dinner
19:30 Sharing and dedication
Sunday, 16.11.25
08:30 Breakfast
Departure after Breakfast
590,00 € regular I 509,00 € reduced
Registration deadline is 15.10.2025